Term 1, Week 4 - 2025
Principal's Message
Our Shining Light Award
Class Award Winners
Clarence Zone Swimming Carnival
Ash Wednesday & Lent
Whole School Focus
World Day of Prayer Liturgy & Mufti Day
Traffic Management Procedures
What is Bullying?
2025 School Fees
Cool Kids Anxiety Program
Canteen Orders
Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Registration
Dorrigo Swim Club
Primary Boys 12 Years and Under Netball Trials 2025
School Facebook Page
School Bus Travel
School Drive Subsidy
NSWCPS Golf 2025
NSWCPS Rugby 7s 2025
GLUE & Messy Church
Bellingen Shire Youth Art Exhibitions & Prizes
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
This week, I had the privilege of attending the Principal’s Conference, where I was deeply inspired by Bishop Greg and Brother David Hall. Their reflections on faith, hope, and love were both profound and uplifting, reminding us that faith finds its true expression in love and that hope is nearly impossible without it. Their words reinforced the importance of nurturing a school community grounded in compassion, kindness, and a shared commitment to the Gospel values.
I look forward to bringing these insights back to our school, continuing to foster an environment where faith is lived out in our daily actions, hope guides our aspirations, and love remains at the heart of all we do.
Words Matter!
On Monday, we celebrated the successful recording of Words Matter, a project that brought incredible energy and excitement to our school. The students’ enthusiasm was contagious as they all worked with CJ and Mr Motion and enjoyed an impromptu concert.
We are so proud of our students for their dedication and creativity throughout this journey. Their efforts in learning the song, collaborating as a team, and bringing it to life demonstrated the power of music and positive messaging. A huge thank you to our staff and families for their support—this experience will surely be one to remember!
Over the next 3 Newsletters, I will share our School Annual Improvement Plan (SAIP). This important document guides all that we do and outlines how we will continue to improve in 2025, learning, growing and celebrating together.
Kind regards,
Our Shining Light Award
This year, we have implemented a new award, our MSJ Shining Light Award. Nano Nagle, the Lady of the Lantern and the founder of the Presentation Sisters, inspires this award. We recognise students who actively live out the values we promote at Mount St John's: kindness, respect, courage, empathy and excellence.
Congratulations to our first 2 Shining Lights, Sam Garnock and Lucca Laughlin. Sam received his award for demonstrating empathy and respect for others, while Lucca received hers for demonstrating courage and conviction in sharing her talents.

Class Award Winners
Congratulations to this fortnight's Award Winners.
Junior Mounties | Jack Fitzgerald | For his thoughtful contributions to class discussions. |
Henry McGrath | For great work in learning his 'tricky words'. | |
Vasja Floridan | For always looking out for his classmates and giving assistance where needed. | |
Stage 2 | Ahlia Haley | For consistent effort in producing neat and beautiful handwriting. |
Abby Thomas | For her effort and perseverance in learning the regrouping method in Maths. | |
Piper Boutell | For ensuring handwriting tasks are completed with consistent size, slope, and letter joins when practising cursive writing. | |
Lucas Jackson | For a great effort in handwriting tasks and joining letters when writing cursive. | |
Bailey Marks | For settling in well into your new class and displaying a willingness to attempt challenging tasks in Maths. | |
Year 5 | Paddy Moffatt | For persistence in Maths in trying the "constant difference" strategy in subtraction. |
Year 6 | Tom Beaumont | For his engagement in Maths lessons and always sharing his ideas. |
Seth Haley | For writing an interesting and engaging introduction to his narrative! | |
Jinky Ware | The beautiful handwriting she shows in all her work! |
Clarence Zone Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to our four Zone Swimmers, who represented our school at the Zone Swimming Carnival on Monday in Maclean. All students represented our school well, trying their best and making some PB times. Well done team!

Ash Wednesday & Lent

Ash Wednesday falls on 5th March this year, which is one of the most important holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday begins Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.
Ash Wednesday takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday and is chiefly observed by Catholics, although many other Christians observe it too.
Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head. The ashes symbolise the dust from which God made us. During this special time, we will be assisting your children to show their devotion to their faith, draw closer to God, and prepare for Easter.
Whole School Focus
At Mt. St John's, we have four core values that guide our behaviour: Respect, (Self) Responsibility, Safety, and Effort. These four expectations are our behaviour norms.
Our whole school focus this fortnight is on RESPECT. We are reminding each other to use kind words that lift each other up, not put others down and follow our teacher's instructions. Our teachers and student leaders look for students demonstrating these skills and give out GEM Awards to celebrate.

NAPLAN testing begins on Wednesday, 12th March, for students in Years 3 and 5. All families involved will receive a copy of the flyer attached below. NAPLAN is an Australia-wide assessment for all students in Years 3, 5 and 9. NAPLAN shows how students are going all over Australia. People who work in the Australian Government, state and territory education authorities and schools use NAPLAN results. The results let them see which schools are doing well and which schools might need help. If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please see your child's teacher.
World Day of Prayer Liturgy & Mufti Day

Friday 7th is World Day of Prayer. Sue Darby is organising a Combined Churches liturgy to be held in our church. She has invited staff and students to attend this liturgy at 11:30 am.
The focus of this event is raising money to assist the people of the Cook Islands. For a gold coin donation, students and staff may wear non-uniform on this day, with the theme being island/ tropical clothing such as Hawaiian shirts, colourful clothes and flower leis.

Traffic Management Procedures
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to review our Traffic Management Procedures to ensure we all stay safe at busy drop-off/pick-up times. If there are changes to your child's regular pick-up arrangements, please text or call the front office before 3:00 pm.
Students alight from buses each morning outside Sacred Heart Church and are met by a teacher. Students are directed to walk along the path beside the Church into school.
Each afternoon, the teachers walk the children to the bus zone. They must sit in their bus lines and remain calm and seated until their bus arrives and they are told to board.
Bikes/ Walking
Students wait at Parent Pick-Up and, when directed, walk through the car park to the footpath behind the unit to avoid walking through the car park.
Parent Pick-Up
Children wait at the bottom of the steps to be collected. We use two bays, and when both cars are stationary, children are directed to the vehicles.
What is Bullying?
As parents of young children, it is important to know what bullying is. This can help you tell the difference between normal disagreements, conflict and bullying. You can then respond and give the right support to your children. Parents also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of bullying by teaching children about respectful behaviour, empathy, dignity, courage, and inclusion.
Definition of Bullying
Bullying involves the unwanted, repeated, and intentional use of words or actions aimed at causing distress and endangering the wellbeing of an individual or group of students.
Key Features of Bullying:
- Misuse of Power:
The deliberate use of power in a relationship to harm others. - Repetition:
The behaviour occurs repeatedly over time. - Harmful Impact:
The actions result in physical, emotional, or social harm.
How Power Can Be Misused:
- Social status or popularity
- Physical strength or size
- Age or skill
- Number of allies
- Membership in a socially dominant group (e.g., based on wealth or gender)
Behaviours That Are NOT Bullying
Certain actions, while unpleasant, do not meet the criteria for bullying:
- Mutual arguments or disagreements
- Disliking someone or a single instance of social rejection
- A single episode of hurtful words or actions
- Isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation, or violence
If you are concerned that your child is experiencing or displaying bullying behaviour, please contact their class teacher for support and guidance.
2025 School Fees
Please be advised that the 2025 school fee billing has been completed and the amount owing for the whole of 2025 will be now showing in your Compass account. A statement will be issued by the end of next week which will include your BPAY details and this will also provide you with your nominated payment plan.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
In 2025, annual school fees are as follows:
1 student - $1396 (includes $60 resource fee per student)
2 students - $2458 (includes $60 resource fee per student)
3 students - $3186 (includes $60 resource fee per student)
Payment options are:
- BPay—Instructions on how to make a payment using BPay are on your most recent school fee statement. This is our preferred payment method.
- using the Compass app - You can check your school fee balance and pay fees through the Compass app. Select more - school fees - next - and enter your credit card details. You have the option to pay in full or pay a portion of your fees.
- cash at school
- EFTPOS at school
Remember, if you feel you will be unable to finalise your school fees by the due date, some financial assistance may be available from St Vincent de Paul - to make an appointment with them, call 0472 718862. You will need to take your school fee statement with you to your appointment. Alternatively, you can call the Office to discuss your individual circumstances with the Principal.
Thank you!
Cool Kids Anxiety Program
Please use THIS LINK to register your Expression of Interest for the Cool Kids Program.
Canteen Orders
Canteen orders can now be made up to 8:30 am each Wednesday. We hope that this later cut-off is helpful to families.
There are some changes coming to the canteen over the next few weeks. To be more sustainable and reduce rubbish, we will be serving drinks in cups. To ensure the consistency of the product, we will purchase large bottles of flavoured milk and juice and dispense them into individual cups.
We will also be serving frozen yoghurt ministicks. These will be available for 50c.
How to cancel an order
If you need to, you can cancel canteen orders before 8:30 am on canteen day. If you know your child will be away you can go into Compass Canteen and select "cancel order".
The refunded money goes back into your Compass "wallet" so you can use it next time you order - when you get to the Confirm & pay screen, click on the down arrow and select Compass Credit.

Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Registration

Dorrigo Swim Club

Primary Boys 12 Years and Under Netball Trials 2025

School Facebook Page
Check out our school Facebook page! It is wonderful to be able to share the good news of our school with our families and community.
School Bus Travel
Applications are now open for 2025 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel.
Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible.
If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local bus operator to discuss their travel needs.
Students living in rural and regional areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via their school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some rural and regional operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.
All students are required to comply with the Student code of conduct. The code of conduct aims to ensure the safety and well-being of school children and other passengers. It is important that parents ensure their child is aware of this, as failure to comply with the code of conduct can result in a suspension from travel.
School Drive Subsidy
The School Drive Subsidy is available for eligible school students where there is no public transport available for all or part of the journey. If you have to drive your child more than 1.6km to a school bus stop, you may be eligible for this subsidy – click on the link below to apply.
NSWCPS Golf 2025

NSWCPS Rugby 7s 2025

GLUE & Messy Church
GLUE God Loves Us Eternally KidsClub has resumed for Term 1. It is held each Wednesday during school term time from 3-5pm at the Anglican Church Hall. Afternoon tea, games, fun worship and craft. All primary kids in Years 1-6 are welcome, as are newcomers. For more info, ring Gwenneth on 6657 2135.
Bellingen Shire Youth Art Exhibitions & Prizes
“We are the future and the future is now”
Celebrating the artistic expression and talent of youth in Bellingen shire. Three exhibitions will occur across the shire during Youth Week 2025 April 9th-April 17th.
Entry is open now for 12 years to 25 year olds living in Bellingen Shire and closes April 1st. Entrants can enter up to 3 pieces.
Free art materials for entrants available at each of our Neighbourhood Centres; Bellingen, Dorrigo and Urunga. Materials include canvas’ paint sets and brushes until they run out. If entrants are wishing to exhibit Photographs, we have some funds for printing we can assist entrants with.
All mediums are welcome in the exhibits; sculpture, wearable art, sketches, photography, paintings etc.
Entries will be exhibited in three locations and sorted into three regions; The Plateau (Dorrigo and surrounds), Bellingen and The Valleys ( Thora, Kalang, Glennifer, Fernmount), The Seaboard ( Urunga, Raleigh, Repton, Mylestom).
Three Galleries will be hosting the exhibitions, The Art Space Urunga will host The Seaboard Show from 9th-16th April, Bellingen Gallery & Framing will host the Bellingen and The Valleys Show from 11-17th April and The Never Never Mind will host The Plateau Show for one night only on the 10th April allowing entrants to enter the popular Dorrigo Easter Show the following day. Opening nights will include prizes, and presentations with catering and mocktails. More details will follow soon.
Entries are due on the 1st April. Please drop your completed entry off to one of Neighbourhood Centres along with a completed entry form. Entrants are welcome to sell their work at the shows, with all details on the entry form.
If you need further information or access to materials, or help getting your artwork to one of our Neighbourhood Centres please call one of our Centres or email Lauren on community@ncobs.org.au