Term 1 - Week 10, 2023
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
This week our classes have led a number of Holy Week Liturgies in the lead-up to Easter this weekend.
The Year 4/5/6 class led our Liturgy focused on Palm Sunday. Here we heard about Jesus’ triumphant entry to Jerusalem. The gospel account portrays Jesus as a King. It is a royal entry and Jesus comes into town on a humble donkey. The people threw their cloaks on the ground and waved branches shouting ‘Hosanna’, which means save us.
The Kindergarten and Year 1 class led a Liturgy on The Last Supper. This Gospel reenactment told the story of The Last Supper which Jesus had with the disciples. He was telling the disciples of what was to come and that his life would be a sacrifice. It is through the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine that we encounter Jesus in our Mass.
Finally, the Year 2 and 3 class led a liturgy focused on Good Friday. This Gospel tells of Jesus' crucifixion. It is a solemn liturgy that illustrates Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross.
I thank the teachers for preparing these liturgies this week. Our students showed reverence as we reflected on the messages of Holy Week. I wish you all a happy and Holy Easter.
Nathan Trezise
DanceFever Showcase
Yesterday's Dancefever Showcase was great fun. The students have certainly learned a lot during the term! Thanks to all those friends and family who came along to watch (and join in).
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to the following students, who received learning awards this week:
Brianna B-G - For putting in wonderful effort in your handwriting and sound work.
Elle W - For a great learning effort in class and always being on task.
Rory O - For making an amazing effort in Mathematics! Well done in our 3 digit scavenger hunt.
Jules F - For doing a great job in Initial Lit, focusing really well!
Jinky W - For demonstrating leadership skills in assisting with Mini Vinnies this term. Well done!
Reid G - For accurately following success criteria in Geography to complete research tasks.
GEM (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness) awards went to:
Charlotte W - For spreading kind words to students and teachers!
Lakota M-T - For showing consideration to others and their needs and feelings.
Holy Week
This week our community has shared in Holy Week, which is the most sacred time in the Catholic Church's Liturgical Calendar. Thank you to the parents who came to our Holy Week liturgies. Our children enjoyed participating in enactments of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and Good Friday.
I wish you a lovely Easter break with family and friends.
Kind regards,
Louise Sprowles - LOSEC
ANZAC Day this year is on Tuesday 25th April 2023, the day before Term 2 commences for students. The Dawn Service will commence at 5.30am at the Dorrigo Monument and breakfast will be served in the Dorrigo Memorial RSL Club after the Service.
Our school will be marching as a school group in the Dorrigo ANZAC Day March and Wreath-Laying Service on Saturday 25th April. Students are to wear full school uniform, including school hat, and assemble at 10:40am at the Dorrigo Memorial RSL Club. The March & Wreath-Laying Service will commence at 11.00am.
As with last year, the Order of March will have the Dorrigo School contingents near the head of the march, and the Schools will end up in Cudgery Street behind the Veterans Group near the bus shelter.
For further information contact Phillip Corlis on 0408 033141 or email phillipcorlis@bigpond.com